
更新时间:2024-04-08 14:01:44作者:佚名


1. 英语中各种颜色表示的心情

英语中各种颜色的解释 绿色绿色green在英语中可以表示“嫉妒、眼红”,如:green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster都是指“十分嫉妒”的意思。

汉语中表示“嫉妒”意义的“眼红”,应该翻译为green-eyed而不能翻译为red-eyed。由于美元纸币是绿颜色的,所以green在美国也指代“钱财、钞票、有经济实力”等意义,如:(11) In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。

在英语中绿色还用来表示没有经验、缺乏训练、知识浅薄等意思,如:(12) The new typist is green at her job. 刚来的打字员是个生手。(13) You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people. She is only eighteen and as green as grass. 你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。

黄色 黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。在英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如:a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人 a yellow livered 胆小鬼(14) He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太软弱,不敢起来斗争。

英语中的黄色还用来作为事物的特定颜色,例如,美国有些城市的出租车上标有“yellow”(而不是“taxi”)的字样,代表出租车,因为那里的出租车为黄颜色。如:Yellow Pages 黄页 (电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷) Yellow Book 黄皮书 (法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧) Yellow boy (俗)金币 汉语中x色一词有时象征低级趣味、xx庸俗、x流猥亵的意思,如x色电影、xx书刊、xx光碟等等。


然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(x流的玩笑), blue films(x色电影)等。 蓝色 蓝色(blue)在汉语中的引申意义较少,而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词。

在翻译同这一颜色有关的表达时,我们应该注意其中的特别含义。英语的blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如:(15) They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match. 球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。

(16)She looks blue today. What's the matter with her?She is in holiday blue. 她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情? 她得了假期忧郁症。例 (15) 中的holiday blue 相当于winter holiday depression,指冬季假期时,人困在家里,感到无聊寂寞时的心情或情绪。

另一个同低落的情绪有关的词组是:a blue Monday(倒霉的星期一),指度过快乐的周末后,星期一又要上学或上班,所以情绪不好。blue在英语中有时用来指“黄色的”、“下流的”意思,如:blue talk 下流的言论 blue video 黄色录象 有时blue又有社会地位高、出身名门的意义,如blue blood(贵族血统)。

此外,blue在英语中与其它词汇搭配,还有另外的含义,如:out of blue 意想不到 once in a blue 千载难逢 drink till all's blue 一醉方休 白色白色(white)在汉语和英语的联想意义中都有纯洁和清白的意思,但也有一些含义上的不同。例如,汉民族文化中,白色与死亡、丧事相联系,如“红白喜事”中的“白”指丧事(funeral),表示哀悼。

但在英语文化中,white表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘在婚礼上穿白色礼服,代表爱情的纯洁和婚姻的贞洁。英语中的white有时表达的含义,与汉语中的“白色”没有什么关系,如:a white lie 善意的谎言 the white coffee 牛奶咖啡 white man 善良的人,有教养的人 white-livered 怯懦的 white elephant 昂贵又无用之物 汉语中有些与“白”字搭配的词组,实际上与英语white所表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义,如:白开水 plain boiled water 白菜 Chinese cabbage 白字 wrongly written or mispronounced character 白搭 no use 白费事 all in vain 黑色 黑色(black)在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联系意义大致相同。

例如,黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。英语中的Black Friday 指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。

black在英语中还象征气愤和恼怒,如:black in the face 脸色铁青 to look black at someone 怒目而视 另外,黑色在汉语和英语中都有“阴险”、“邪恶”的含义,不过翻译时不一定用“黑”或“black”的字眼,例如:黑心 evil mind 黑手 evil backstage manipulator 黑幕 inside story 黑线 a sinister line black sheep 害群之马 black day 凶日 black future 暗淡的前途 除上面所提到的各种联想意义外,颜色词还与历史、社会、经济等现象有关系,表现出一定的社会属性,例如:历史方面:to raise to the purple升为红衣主教 to be born in the purple 生于帝王之家 to marry into the purple 与皇室或贵族联姻 社会方面:blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者 grey-collar workers 灰领阶层,指服务性行业的职员 white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的。

2. 在英语中每种颜色表示的心情


红色: 热烈、喜悦、果敢、奋扬。有提高食欲,升高血压作用。易引起性急`发怒,在红色房子里,对心脏病症者不利。



蓝色: 幽静、深远、冷郁、阴郁。可减慢心律,降低婴儿体内胆红素缓解疾病。


绿色: 健康、活泼、生气、发展。紫色:神秘、高贵、脱俗。能消除紧张情绪,对孕妇有一定镇静作用。

白色: 单调、朴素、坦率、纯洁。使人产生纯洁`天真`公正`神圣`抽象`超脱感觉。使人有安全感,给心脏病人以慰藉,对烦燥情绪有镇静作用。

黄色: 光辉、庄重、高贵、忠诚。

黑色: 沉默、神秘、恐怖、纯洁。

灰色: 和谐、浑厚、静止、悲哀。

彩色: 杂驳、缭乱、绚丽、幻想。



3. 颜色与心情(英语表达)

Color Meaning RedRed is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights). This color is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity.Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love. Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall. OrangeOrange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Orange is the color of fall and harvest. In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design. Orange is very effective for promoting food products and toys.Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust.Red-orange corresponds to desire, sexual passion, pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst for action.Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality. YellowYellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color. When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect; it is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is seen before other colors when placed against black; this combination is often used to issue a warning. In heraldry, yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice.Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings. You can choose yellow to promote children's products and items related to leisure. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important elements of your design. Men usually perceive yellow as a very lighthearted, 'childish' color, so it is not recommended to use yellow when selling prestigious, expensive products to men – nobody will buy a yellow business suit or a yellow Mercedes. Yellow is an unstable and spontaneous color, so avoid using yellow if you want to suggest stability and safety. Light yellow tends to disappear into white, so it usually needs a dark color to highlight it. Shades of yellow are visually unappealing because they loose cheerfulness and become dingy.Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy. GreenGreen is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. Green has great healing power. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance. Sometimes green denotes lack of experience; for example, a 'greenhorn' is a novice. In heraldry, green indicates growth and hope. Green, as opposed to red, 。

4. 英文中那些颜色表示什么心情

White白色:Protection, spirituality, peace, purity, truth, sincerity and power.保护感,充满灵性,神圣,和平,纯洁,真实,诚挚和力量.白色:清洁、清纯、浪漫、爽朗、潇洒、高贵、明白、纯粹、澄明、和清爽Black黑色:This is very powerful for protection and absorbing negative energies that are either picked up unknowingly or purposely directed towards a person.神秘,性感,高贵,静寂,保护,消极,悲哀黑色:黑暗、夜、死、庄重、阴郁、厚重、严肃、拘谨、机械的、厚重、男性、非法、夜间、Red红色:Sexual love, sexual potency, passion, desire, energy, courage, strength, vigor, drive, health.爱情,爱的力量,热情奔放,充满希望,蕴含能量,勇气,力量,活力,干劲,健康红色:华丽,强烈,活泼的,女性,都会,艳烈的,游戏红色:表示活力、健康和希望;Orange橙色:Joy, creativity, attraction, ambition, career matters, law, encouragement, spiritual attainment, kindness, compassion, adaptability stimulation.喜悦,创造力,吸引力,雄心壮志,职业的鼓励,精神的,亲切,同情,适应力兴奋,活泼橙色:高兴、狂欢、高尚、热闹、行动、快乐、满足橙色:表示兴奋、喜悦和华美;Yellow黄色:Intellect, imagination, memory, creativity, learning, clairvoyance, persuasion, charm, confidence, joy, comfort, attraction, diminishes jealously,智慧,想象力,回忆,创造力,知识,洞察力,说服力,吸引力,信心,欢乐,黄色代表:希望、爽快、时髦、年轻、快乐、柔和、愉快、温和、光明和快活黄色:表示温和、光明和快活;Green绿色:Money, luck, prosperity, fertility, healing, charity, personal growth, serenity, harmony.金钱,幸运,繁荣,肥沃,康复力,善心,成长,平静,融洽,生命绿色:新鲜、静息、理想、清纯、安稳、田园、蓝春绿色:表示青春、未来和朝气;Greenish/Yellow黄绿色: Sickness, cowardice, anger, jealousy, discord.病态,怯懦,愤怒,嫉妒,意见不合黄绿:清爽、田园、蓝春、时髦、欢乐、和平、自然Light Blue淡蓝色:Tranquility, meditation, inspiration, occult wisdom, protection, healing, understanding, patience, relationship harmony, devotion, sincerity.宁静,冥想,灵感,超能力,保护,康复,了解,耐性,和谐关系,投入,诚挚蓝色:表示秀丽、清新和宁静;Dark Blue深蓝 : Impulsiveness, depression, changeability.冲动的,沮丧,易变蓝:沉着、科学的、理智的、有速度、冷淡的、担心Indigo蓝青:Openness, spiritual growth, ambition, self pride, clears impulsiveness and depression.宽阔,成长,野心,骄傲,冲动,沮丧青色:表示希望、坚强和庄重;Violet紫罗兰色 : Spiritual growth, power, sentimentality, clears sadness, depression, pity, guilt, tension.成长,力量,多愁善感,悲伤,沮丧,怜悯,内疚,紧张,Purple紫色 :Spiritual growth, material health, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism, ambition progress, healing, combating disease and infections.成长,健康,更高的精神能力,精神力量,理想主意,野心,前进,复原,搏斗, 疾病和传染.紫色:高贵、典雅、华丽Pink粉红:Love, affection, romance, friendship, success, honor, truth, understanding morality.爱情,友爱,浪漫,友情,成功,幽默,真实,理解,道德 Gray灰色:Cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.取消,中性,僵局灰色:质朴、无聊、涩滞、孤独、病态、认真Silver银色: Clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy, and intuition.洞察力,灵感,星际力量,直觉Brown棕色 Good for healing, cleansing and protecting animals, physical objects, residences. Hesitation, uncertainy, neutrality.很好的复原力,清洁和保护动物,自然物质,居所,犹豫。

5. 英文中那些颜色表示什么心情啊

White白色:Protection, spirituality, peace, purity, truth, sincerity and power.保护感,充满灵性,神圣,和平,纯洁,真实,诚挚和力量。

白色:清洁、清纯、浪漫、爽朗、潇洒、高贵、明白、纯粹、澄明、和清爽Black黑色:This is very powerful for protection and absorbing negative energies that are either picked up unknowingly or purposely directed towards a person.神秘,性感,高贵,静寂,保护,消极,悲哀黑色:黑暗、夜、死、庄重、阴郁、厚重、严肃、拘谨、机械的、厚重、男性、非法、夜间、Red红色:Sexual love, sexual potency, passion, desire, energy, courage, strength, vigor, drive, health.爱情,爱的力量,热情奔放,充满希望,蕴含能量,勇气,力量,活力,干劲,健康红色:华丽,强烈,活泼的,女性,都会,艳烈的,游戏红色:表示活力、健康和希望;Orange橙色:Joy, creativity, attraction, ambition, career matters, law, encouragement, spiritual attainment, kindness, compassion, adaptability stimulation.喜悦,创造力,吸引力,雄心壮志,职业的鼓励,精神的,亲切,同情,适应力兴奋,活泼橙色:高兴、狂欢、高尚、热闹、行动、快乐、满足橙色:表示兴奋、喜悦和华美;Yellow黄色:Intellect, imagination, memory, creativity, learning, clairvoyance, persuasion, charm, confidence, joy, comfort, attraction, diminishes jealously,智慧,想象力,回忆,创造力,知识,洞察力,说服力,吸引力,信心,欢乐,黄色代表:希望、爽快、时髦、年轻、快乐、柔和、愉快、温和、光明和快活黄色:表示温和、光明和快活;Green绿色:Money, luck, prosperity, fertility, healing, charity, personal growth, serenity, harmony.金钱,幸运,繁荣,肥沃,康复力,善心,成长,平静,融洽,生命绿色:新鲜、静息、理想、清纯、安稳、田园、蓝春绿色:表示青春、未来和朝气;Greenish/Yellow黄绿色: Sickness, cowardice, anger, jealousy, discord.病态,怯懦,愤怒,嫉妒,意见不合黄绿:清爽、田园、蓝春、时髦、欢乐、和平、自然Light Blue淡蓝色:Tranquility, meditation, inspiration, occult wisdom, protection, healing, understanding, patience, relationship harmony, devotion, sincerity.宁静,冥想,灵感,超能力,保护,康复,了解,耐性,和谐关系,投入,诚挚蓝色:表示秀丽、清新和宁静;Dark Blue深蓝 : Impulsiveness, depression, changeability.冲动的,沮丧,易变蓝:沉着、科学的、理智的、有速度、冷淡的、担心Indigo蓝青:Openness, spiritual growth, ambition, self pride, clears impulsiveness and depression.宽阔,成长,野心,骄傲,冲动,沮丧青色:表示希望、坚强和庄重;Violet紫罗兰色 : Spiritual growth, power, sentimentality, clears sadness, depression, pity, guilt, tension.成长,力量,多愁善感,悲伤,沮丧,怜悯,内疚,紧张,Purple紫色 :Spiritual growth, material health, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism, ambition progress, healing, combating disease and infections.成长,健康,更高的精神能力,精神力量,理想主意,野心,前进,复原,搏斗, 疾病和传染。紫色:高贵、典雅、华丽Pink粉红:Love, affection, romance, friendship, success, honor, truth, understanding morality.爱情,友爱,浪漫,友情,成功,幽默,真实,理解,道德 Gray灰色:Cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.取消,中性,僵局灰色:质朴、无聊、涩滞、孤独、病态、认真Silver银色: Clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy, and intuition.洞察力,灵感,星际力量,直觉Brown棕色 Good for healing, cleansing and protecting animals, physical objects, residences. Hesitation, uncertainy, neutrality.很好的复原力,清洁和保护动物,自然物质,居所,犹豫。

6. 英语中的颜色与心情


一、红色red表示欢快的心情 在英语中,“红”,让人觉得活跃、热烈、有朝气,是最有褒义色彩的一个词,是喜气欢乐的象征。 如:red letter day意思是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。

二、绿色green表示嫉妒的心情 1、表示嫉妒,绿色green在英语中可以表示"嫉妒、眼红"。 如:green with envy,green asjealousy,green-eyed(眼红)。

2、由于美元纸币是绿颜色的,所以green在美国也指代"钱财、钞票、有经济实力"等意义。 如:In American political elections the candidates that win are usuallythe ones who have green power backing them.(在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。)

3、在英语中绿色还用来表示没有经验、缺乏训练、知识浅薄等意思。 如:The new typist is green at her job.(刚来的打字员是个生手。)

三、黄色yellow表示胆怯的心情 在英语中,yellow可以表示"胆小、卑怯、卑鄙"的意思。 如:a yellow dog (卑鄙的人);a yellow livered (胆小鬼) 四、黑色black表示悲哀、气愤的心情 1、表示悲哀 黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。

如:Black Friday 指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。 2、表示气愤 black在英语中还象征气愤和恼怒。

如:black in the face 脸色铁青;to look black at someone 怒目而视。 五、蓝色表示忧郁的心情 蓝色在英语中,表示沮丧,忧郁。

如:Cathy felt blue all day.凯茜整天沮丧着。 扩展资料 颜色的中文寓意 一、蓝色 天蓝色代表宁静、清新、自由,是很多人喜欢的颜色,天蓝色和粉红色一样,是安抚色,一看到就让人的心情感到放松;湖蓝色,海的颜色,代表忧郁、深邃、冷淡;宝蓝色即宝石蓝,最深也最亮的蓝色,也叫海军蓝,代表冷静、智慧等。

二、红色 光或颜料的三原色之一,最强有力的色彩,热情、活泼、激情、喜庆的象争。东方则代表吉祥、乐观、喜庆之意。

有时会很刺眼,看到就让人有热血沸腾的感觉,但是看久了会让视觉产生巨大的压力。 三、绿色 光的三原色之一。


代表安全、平静、舒适之感,在四季分明之地方,如见到春天之树木、有绿色的嫩叶,大自然的颜色。看了 使人有新生之感。

四、黑色 深沉,庄重,无情色,神秘之感,沉虑,极端的颜色。如和其他颜色相配合含有集中和重心感。

五、黄色 颜料三原色之一,活泼的颜色,亮度最高,禁不起白色的冲淡。东方代表尊贵、优雅。

参考资料来源:百度百科-色彩英语 参考资料来源:百度百科-颜色。




本文主要为您介绍英语颜色形容人的心情的句子,内容包括英语中各种颜色表示的心情,在英语中每种颜色表示的心情,关于颜色代表心情的英文。英语中各种颜色的解释 绿色绿色green在英语中可以表示“嫉妒、眼红”,如:green with envy,green as jealo

2024-04-08 14:01

枸杞山楂茶 枸杞山楂茶的功效与作用


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2024-04-08 14:01


1. 准备茶具:选择一款适合泡红茶的茶壶、杯子,建议使用玻璃杯或瓷杯。2. 热水:用开水将茶壶、杯子进行冲洗,倒掉之后将水再次烧开,用于冲泡红茶。3. 加茶叶:取适量红茶放入茶壶中,建议每杯茶使用2-3克茶叶。4. 冲泡

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2024-04-08 14:01


1. 准备好红茶叶和开水:使用高质量的红茶叶子,最好选择整叶茶叶,如红茶花茶或正宗的红茶叶。开水需要新鲜、冷却,温度控制在90℃左右。2.准备茶具:选择透气性良好的茶具来冲泡红茶是必要的。我们可以使用陶瓷茶壶或瓷制茶杯,

2024-04-08 14:01