
更新时间:2024-04-08 05:53:58作者:未知


1. 表示心情不好的英语句子有哪些


and you feel like shouting, “will someone please shout me!”


oh what to do, what to dooo?


i'm fed up.


it doesn't take much to bring on a blue day.


your boss is picking on you,


you might just wake up not feeling or looking your best,


find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose.


i'm frustrated today.

9、这的确很蠢, 因为你只能年轻一次,而且绝对不可能老两次。

this is crazy, because you're only young once and you're never


you could forget your date's name or have an embarrassing photograph published.


you can't rise to the occasion.

2. 描述悲伤的心情的英语句子, 越多越好

伤心类形容词:sad, gloomy, depressed, frustrated, upset.


Feel anxious, depressed, lonely or insecure and feel like crying a lot.

Be unable to concentrate in class.

Feel angry and wonder why this is happening to you.

Regularly end up in physical fights or arguments while trying to defend yourself.

Feel afraid to go to school and nervous if you're on your own.

Think the problem is relentless and wonder if it will ever stop.

Feel lonely, isolated and avoid group situations.

Spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to do or where to go to avoid being harassed.

Think your parents would be worried or upset if you told them.

Notice that your health is suffering such as changes in your appetite, difficulty sleeping or tension headaches.

Feel afraid to check text messages or emails or look at social networking sites like Facebook in case there's another cruel message about you.

Start to think that maybe the insults and taunts are true and wonder if it's your own fault.

Have mood swings with a range of feelings from loneliness to anger.

Wish you could talk to someone but you are not sure what you want to say.

No longer enjoy the things you used to enjoy and drop out of activity groups or clubs.

Feel trapped, helpless, withdrawn and like no one understands.

Notice that these feelings are causing you to be unhappy at home and you are feeling moody or short tempered with your parents/carers, brothers or sisters.

3. 急

The new year joyful lively is others, probably all have nothing to do with me.


This sentiment only treats recalls, was only at that time already frustrated.


Thought knows is the dream, is extremely sad!




本文主要为您介绍表示自己心情压抑句子英文,内容包括心情不好的英文句子有没有用英文表示自己的心情的句子,一段表达自己心情的英文句子,表示心情不好的英语句子。然后你想大喊一声:“谁来?*******把我打死吧!” and you feel like shouting, “will someon

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